The Small Business Peak program is bought to you by the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA) with grant funding from the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations through the Productivity Education and Training Fund.
Peak provides free and instant access to essential information – quick insights to keep business owners informed, with step-by-step guides to save time and make it easier for you to apply the latest workplace changes.
No more deciphering legal jargon. Peak simplifies the most intricate IR changes, making compliance a straightforward process for your small business. You can simply download Peak’s plain English resources, including information kits with fact sheets, FAQs, compliance checklists and more, which can assist you in navigating, understanding and implementing the new legislation in your small business.
The Small Business Peak program provides accessible, understandable and easy to use resources on workplace relations and other IR changes being introduced in Australia.
Peak aims to simplify and improve the experience for small businesses owners seeking to learn about, understand and implement workplace changes.
You and your member organisations can download information kits with fact sheets, FAQs, compliance checklists and more, designed to make it easier for you to apply new legislation in your small business.
Here is a collection of common questions and their answers about the Small Business Peak Program.
No, this service is freely available to all business owners. Powered by COSBOA, Small Business Peak is designed to support small businesses across Australia.
The Peak program is bought to you by COSBOA with grant funding from the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations through the Productivity Education and Training Fund. The information published on this site has been sourced from government sites and the industrial relations regulations referred to here have been reviewed and distilled into plain English format by an expert legal panel.
You can trust the general information about the regulatory changes contained on this site, however, if you need specific advice in relation to your business circumstances, you should seek your own independent legal advice
The Peak program is bought to you by Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA) with grant funding from the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations through the Productivity Education and Training Fund.
Peak provides small business owners with instant access to essential information about the most intricate IR changes, making compliance a straightforward process for every small business.
No more deciphering legal jargon. Peak simplifies the most intricate IR changes, making compliance a straightforward process for your small business. We’ll continue to keep you informed about important workplace changes that might affect you.
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